Scheme of BMS Examination

  1. The examinations shall be conducted at the end of each Semester.
  2. A Theory paper shall carry 100 marks. The evaluation of the performance of the students in theory papers shall be on the basis of both internal assessment (40%) and semester end examination (60%). Internal evaluation shall be on the basis of class assignments, group discussions, seminar attendance etc. The Semester end examination shall be held at the end of each Semester and shall be of 2 hours duration.
  3. The responsibility of evaluation during the first 4 Semesters shall rest with the college / Institution wherein the students are admitted for the course. The college/Institution shall carry out the internal evaluation for theory papers in Semesters V & VI while the University shall conduct the Semester end examination for these two semesters. The Internal evaluation marks of students appearing for Semester V and VI shall be sent to the University by the respective college/Institution before the commencement of the respective semester-end examination.
  4. The evaluation of Project I shall be carried out by the examiners appointed by the University inclusive of viva-voce examination. The project reports shall be assessed for 60% of the total marks while viva-voce examination shall carry 40% of the marks.

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