School life v/s College life – Which one do You Think is Best?


school vs college

We all know how important and precious our school and college life are to us. We all remember our first day at school or if not our parents share their memories and then we recollect the events. Nobody is happy in leaving behind their loving mom and staying with the teacher even if it is for a period of 3 hours. Slowly and steadily we try getting used to the school, the teachers, classmates, friends; but by the time we develop a habit of school or rather start loving our school schedule it’s time for us to explore newer opportunities which comes in the face of college. Compared to college life the life in school is quite disciplined. We all dream of going to college because we realize that life would be easier and we can function in our own way, with less restrictions, discipline, etc.

In school from the very first day we are taught that attendance should be 100% and if we need any kind of holidays we should write a notice of permission to the teacher well in advance and if we fall sick a leave note along with our parents’ signature has to be shown to the teacher while in college nobody is bothered of our attendance even if we come in the defaulters’ list our parents are just made to sign a circular which states their ward will not repeat this.

Value- Education and Personality Development are subjects which inculcate good habits, good manners amongst students so that they grow up to be responsible individuals. Negative remarks are given by teachers so that the students learn their lesson well. While in colleges when any student commits any mistake in the class a mere ‘get-out’ is used to correct them.

These are just a few examples. School life though a little difficult from the one at college but teaches us lessons for life and if we follow them they would guarantee us the best of results and success without which one can never progress in their lives! So remember all lessons.

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Afifa Qureshi


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