Science And Superstition – Being Captured By Lenses



Photography has been in existence since the inceptions of human on earth, in some form or the other. In primitive ages cavemen drew paintings on the walls of their caves. It was a medium for them to remember things and to tell their future generation about their achievements and to this days wonder in awe at their mindblowing idea of recording events. Could caveman actually think of so far, i wonder!? May be these scribblings on the walls instilled the idea of capturing photos, for long time reference and came the birth of the camera! In those days people would click one picture at a time and it took long time for its proccesing. To make a developed copy of the negatives it took 4-5 days. With time and technological development we came out of the black and white world and entered the era of colours. These colours gave life to a dull picture and depicted the human emtions more precisely. Photography and science go hand-in-hand. An imagination to see the world in different angles , effects ,in still or moving picture. An imagination to capture the happiest moments of life and treasure them, cherishing them even when you wont be there among your loved one’s  but still be there. Science gives life to our wide imaginations and like a wish fairy blowing life into them and making our dreams come true. Science is that wish fairy that had created camera and slowly with trial-error process it has now transformed from the much fragile, delicate hard photocopies into complete digital pixels. We can now only anticipate and wait anxiously for the next level of photography to be opened which will take science and photography to  a new dimensions and prespection. The very opposite of science is superstitions. Science gives us knowledge and confidence while superstitions put us into a dark pit and robs away of our sense to judge between rational and illogical. I think superstions is nothing but a belief that gives satisfaction of security to the believer. One fine day a black cat must have crossed someones road and consequently he fell ill making him think that the black cat must be a bad omen! This way all different superstitions must have been formed. It gives the believer a sense of satisfaction that he has the right to blame someone or something. Superstitions need not always be bad. Many big sports personalities have their lucky bat or lucky glove that gives them victory. Superstitions is not confined to villagers but to every individual at some level or the other. Dont you cross your fingers when you desperately want something? These two ironic topics; SCIENCE and SUPERSTITIONS teach us alot. The former teaches us that life works upon the firm-founded postulates whereas the latter tells us that the mind, which has immense power to create anything, can also be so impractical! Even after so many years have passed, science and superstition still prevails in the minds of the human race.



AUTHOR : Kimaya Parjane



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