Scientific Management


Scientific management arose, from the need to increase productivity. To expand productivity, ways had to be found to increase the efficiency of workers. Fredrick W. Taylor built the body of principles to overcome this problem. So according to Taylor, there are 4 basic principles for Scientific management:-

  1. Each task must be scientifically designed so that it can replace the old, rule-of thumb methods.
  2. Workers must be scientifically selected and trained so that they can be more productive on their job.
  3. Bring scientifically designed jobs and workers together so that there will be a match between them.
  4. There must be division of labour and cooperation between management and workers

Taylor stressed the importance of employee welfare as well as production efficiency. He summed up his approach in these words:-

  1. Science, not rule of thumb;
  2. Harmony, not discord;
  3. Cooperation, not individualism;
  4. Maximum output in place of restricted output;
  5. Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity;
  6. Equitable division of work and responsibility between management and labour.


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