Second cut-off list puts BMS aspirants into a dilemma!


BMS Cut offs of top leading colleges of the year 2011 is quite high compared to last year. The percentage difference between 1st and 2nd merit list of City colleges like KC, Xaviers, NM, Jai Hind and so on ranges between 1 to 3 percent. BMS aspirants who have scored more than 78-80% in their HSC do not figure in the 2nd merit list of top leading colleges.

Many colleges have given 1st preference to the in-house students which resulted in High cut-offs and less intake of students from Open Category.

Principals of many colleges blame that Mumbai University has not given permission to increase the number of seats of Degree colleges otherwise this wouldn’t have been the case.

Many top city colleges like Xaviers, KC and Jai-Hind have declared that they cannot accommodate any more students for BMS course in their colleges and hence there are no chances for 3rd Merit List.

Worried and Disappointed BMS aspirants don’t know if they will get admission in their applied colleges. This is the reason students should not apply in the top 5-6 city colleges but also in other good colleges where admissions can be taken if can’t get into the top 5. Anyways hope for the best and Aal izz well 🙂

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