Select Your Hairstyle As Per Your Face-cut and Dazzle All The Way!



It is essential to choose the right haircut for yourself to flatter your features and complement you.Here are certain things pinpointed by experts you should keep in mind to select the right haircut for you:-

A Round Face:    

    hairstyle round face

You should  stay away from full or round hairstyles as they will make the face appear more round or chubby. Keep the sides leaner and style the hair a bit higher at the top and front to provide balance. An off-center part or some waves at eye level will help minimize roundness. Round faces are better with more square hairstyles.

A Square Face:

hairstyle square face

Similar to the round face, keep the sides leaner and short, while wearing the top longer and styled a bit higher. Keep the hair clean around the ears and make sure the style mirrors the square shape of the face – this will help make the square face shape pop.

An Oval Face:

hairstyle oval face

Most any style is suitable as this is considered the ideal face shape. That said, attention should be paid to other prominent features such as the nose and position of the eyes and ears. If you fall into the Oval category, consider yourself lucky as almost any style will look good on you.

A Long Face:

hairstyle long face

A style which is longer on the sides and short on top will make the face appear less long and provide better balance. Go with a cut that has some layers and is worn so the front hairline is disguised.

A Triangular Face:

hairstyle triangular face

To balance out a triangular face shape, you can choose a style that will narrow your forehead area and add the illusion of width to the chin.

A Diamond Face:

hairstyle diamond face

For the diamond face shape, the goal is to minimize wider cheekbones and balance out a narrow chin and forehead. To do this, opt for a style with bangs to minimize the forehead. Longer shag hairstyles also work well for the diamond face.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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