Sem 5 Results and Sem 6 Exams!


“I am really tensed.” ” Was not able to enjoy my New Year also properly.” “When is it going to come?” “I can’t wait anymore”. 🙁 🙁 🙁

When there are 10,000 BMS students waiting for their SEM 5 RESULTS and MU not declaring the exact date of when results gonna come…. we got a NEWS for you BMS Rockers about the Sem 5 Results and Sem 6 Exams.

Well, TYBMS SEM 5 RESULTS would be out within a week i.e. before 15th Jan (acc. to most of the sources)

TYBMS Sem 6 Exams would be in March End. So start studying… lolz… 😉

P.S. The above news may or may not be true.

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