Send Happy Friendship Day 2014 Quotes Short SMS in English To Your Best Buddies


Friendship day was originally founded by Hallmark in 1919. It was intended to be a day for people to celebrate their friendship by sending eachother cards, but by 1940 the market had dried up, and eventually it died out completely. However, in 1998 Winnie the Pooh was named the world’s Ambassador of Friendship at the United Nations (believe it or not!), and in April 2011 the United Nations officially recognised 30th July as International Friendship Day; although most countries celebrate on the first Sunday of August!

 Happy Friendship Day 4

1. A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when u r lonely, a guide when u r searching, a smile when u r sad, a song when u r glad.

Happy Friendship Day 9

2. A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.

friendship day 4

3. Thank you for touching my life in ways u may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth but in having friends like u – a precious gift from God!

Happy Friendship Day 2

4. I always thought loving someone is the greatest feeling, but I realised that loving a friend is even better. We lose people we love, but we never lose true friends.

friendship day 1

5. If u need a friend and there are a hundred steps between us, u can take the 4th step to get near me and I will take all 99 steps to be there for u.

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