Service Retailing


Service Retailing:

(i)      Self-service retailing: There are many such products where customers serve themselves as per their own requirement. Full flexibility is given in the hands of customer to move to any set up area they wish to.

Example: ATM machines.

(ii)     Self-selection retailing: In this kind of retailing customers select the product on their own, if required they ask for assistance. This service level allows consumers to perform most or all of the services associated with retail purchasing. Self-service can be seen with: online purchasing and vending machine purchases.

(iii)    Limited service retailing: Here retailers put more varieties of products under one roof, but their aim is not only customer satisfaction but customer contentment (this is the stage where customer will not think about other players in the market, he will stick to one organisation). To fulfill contentment, store also offers services such as credit & merchandise return privileges.

(iv)    Full service retailing: The full-service retailer attempts to handle nearly all aspects of the purchase to the point where all the consumer does is select the item they wish to purchase. Retailers that follow a full-price strategy often follow the full- service approach as a way of adding value to a customer’s purchase.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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