Service Sector Management Practice Question Paper 1


service sector

Service Sector includes information sector services, securities, commodities and other financial investment services, professional, scientific and technical services, administrative and support services, health care and social assistance, entertainment and recreation services. Practicing a Service sector management question paper online helps you to improve your ability to attend the semester exam with ease.

Here we present Service Sector Management Practice Question Paper 1:

Q.1      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. Service culture in a nationalized bank
  2. Intangibility aspect of a service
  3. Physical evidence of a service

Q.2      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. Perceived quality
  2. Perish ability
  3. Pricing and promotion strategy in hospital services

Q.3      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. Telebanking and electronic banking
  2. Franchising
  3. Major factors that are driving growth of service sector in India

Q.4      Answer the following. (any 2)                                                                                     (15)

  1. Relevance / Importance of Total Quality Management (TQM) in services
  2. Consumer decision making process for purchasing or buying Life insurance product
  3.   Consumer decision making process for purchasing or buying a Housing Loan

Q.5      Explain:                                                                                                           (15)

  1. Role of I.T. in employment generation in Indian context.


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