Service Sector Management Prelims Question Paper 2014 by Ganesha Classes



   2 ½ Hours                                          Ganesha Classes                              Total Marks:75


N.B.:      1)      Q.1. to Q.4. having internal option.

         2)   All Questions are compulsory

         3)   Write new questions on new Page, continue sub-question from same page.




Q.1.  Answer the following TWO –                                                                                                    (15)

  1. a) Do you think classification of service can help in developing the marketing mix? How?
  2. b) Explain the Service Marketing triangle.
  3. c) How would you manage customer’s expectations?


Q.2.  Answer the following TWO –                                                                                                    (15)

  1. a) Explain the factor affecting Pricing decisions.
  2. b) Discuss the Extended P’s in service marketing with reference to Banking Sector
  3. c) Discuss the Branding for Services? Explain its benefit.


Q.3.  Answer the following TWO –                                                                                                    (15)

  1. a) What are the Five dimension of Quality? Give suggestion to improve service quality in banking service using SERUQUAL Model.
  2. b) Suggest the ten guideline for handling complaints.
  3. c) Why do Customer Complain? What are the key aspect of complaining behaviour?


Q.4.  Answer the following TWO –                                                                                                    (15)

  1. a) Define Mission? Explain the benefit and Examples of Mission.
  2. b) Define Benchmarking? Discuss the Benchmark Process.
  3. c) Explain the overall growth of the service sector.


Q.5.  Case Study –                                                                                                                             (15)

At a railway station in Japan, Mr. Alok enquired; using the little Japanese that he knew which train he should take to go to Tokyo. The man behind the counter wrote out all the information he required- time, train numbers and platform numbers. He even took the trouble to write it in both English and Japanese, so that Mr. Alok could seek help from other Japanese travellers, if needed.

Later, in the waiting area, Mr. Alok was surprised to see the man at the counter run frantically towards him. He asked for the paper, and hurriedly wrote more on it; He had thought of a better route.


  1. Explain the importance of “people Mix” in the service industry.             (10)
  2. What is meant by internal marketing? (05)




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