Service Sector Management Question Bank 2012



Service Sector Management Question Bank.

Concept Testing                                      

1.        Services (2) (2)

2.        Micro Environment (65) V

3.        Service Guarantees (41) RPH

4.        Yield Management (208) V (137) RPH

5.        Customisation (183) V

6.        Predictable Cycles (208) V

7.        Brand Image (212) V

8.        Brand loyalty (214) V

9.        Functional benefits (223) V

10.    Emotional Benefits (223) V

11.    Total Quality Management (237) V

12.    Perceived quality (250) V

13.    Service Quality Dimension (250) V

14.    Service recovery (170) RPH

15.    White collar productivity (243) RPH

16.    Medical tourism (307) V

17.    Physical Goods v/s Services. (23)V

18.    Technological Environment. (65) V

19.    Political Environment.  (65) V

20.    Economic Environment.  (65) V

21.    Levels of Customer Contact. (99) V

22.    Procedural Justice. (100) V

23.    Consumer  Behaviour (100) V

24.    Sustainability. (178) V

25.    Accessibility. (178) V

26.    Positioning in Services.(192) V

27.    Random Demand Fluctuations. (208) V

28.    Demand Patterns(208) V

29.    Technical & Functional Skills of People. (250) V

30.    Relevance of Quality in Services. (250) V

31.    Service Guarantee. (269) V

32.    Moment of Truth. (296) V


Short Notes

a)    Goods Service Continuum (11) V (30) RPH

b)    Services Marketing Environment (22) RPH

c)    Exceeding Service Expectation (83) V

d)    Customers Perception (83) V

e)    Types of Buying Behaviour (38) RPH

f)     Service Marketing Triangle (40) RPH

g)    Service Encounters & Its Types(44, 50) RPH

h)    Zone of Tolerance (51) RPH

i)      Franchising (126) V

j)     Demand Situations (194) V

k)    Managing Constraints on Capacity (199) V

l)      Types of Branding (215) V

m)  SERVQUAL Model (240) V

n)    Service Recovery Process (173)RPH

o)    Service Management (190) RPH

p)    Vision Mission Strategy (197) RPH

q)    Service Leadership (211) RPH

r)     Service Umbrella (213) RPH

s)    Leadership styles (217) RPH

t)     Service Mapping (220) RPH

u)    Flowcharting (222) RPH

v)    Benchmarking (230) RPH

w)  Characteristics of Services. (7)V

x)    Buying Roles. (67) V

y)     Service Failure. (88) V

z)     Service Blueprint. (136) V

aa)  TARP. (263)V

bb)   Dimensions of Service Leadership. (284)V

cc)  External Marketing.(289)V



1)   Reasons for growth of Service Sector & its role in Modern Economy.(3) RPH

2)   Challenges for Marketing of Services (16) RPH

3)   Consumer Buying Behaviour process and factors influencing Consumer behaviour (33) RPH

4)   Service Marketing Mix (7Ps) (59) RPH (101) V

5)   Market Segmentation & its Steps (121) RPH

6)   Ten dimensions of service quality (226) V

7)   Gap Analysis (156) RPH

8)   Complaint Handling (175) RPH

9)   Marketing of Product v/s Marketing Services. (24) V.

10)  Strategies for managing capacities to match Demand. (201) V

11)  Strategies for Demand to match Capacities. (202) V

12)  Internal Marketing Role, Objective, Components & Steps. (291) V




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