Service Sector Management Question Bank 2013 – Shreya Classes


Chapter 1st Introduction to Services Marketing

Q1) Explain the growing importance of service

Q2) Explain the factors possessing threat to Service Management

Q3) Write short note on four key characteristics of services


Chapter 2nd Services Marketing Environment

Q1) Explain the different factors affecting the micro environment

Q2) Explain the goods – services continuum

Q3) Explain the different areas of Business Environment

Q4) What is Service Environment? State its need for marketing.


Chapter 3rd Consumer Behavior

Q1) What are the different buying roles ?

Q2) Explain the Factors influencing buyer’s behavior

Q3) Explain the buying decision process

Q4) How would you manage customer’s expectations ?


Chapter 4th Service Marketing Mix

Q1) Describe the service offering

Q2) What are the different methods of pricing in service?

Q3) List 7 Ps of marketing with special reference to services


Chapter 5th Marketing Segmentation and Service Positioning

Q1) What is the basis for market segmentation ?

Q2) State and explain different positioning strategies

Q3) Sustainability

Q4) Positioning in Services


Chapter 6th Managing Demand and Supply of Services

Q1) Air passengers stand to gain in the ongoing fare cuts warfare by domestic                airlines

Q2) Radom Demand Fluctuations

Q3) Demand Patterns


Chapter 7th Branding of Services

Q1) What are the characteristics of a good brand

Q2) How can you create a strong service brand

Q3) Brand loyalty

Q4) Emotional benefits

Q5) Approaches for creating a strong service brand


Chapter 8th Managing Services Quality

Q1) Service quality management

Q2) Dimensions of Quality

Q3) Focused on managing functions that influences the perceived services quality

Q4) Explain the following Dimensions of Quality:

(1)  Tangible4 (2) Reliability (3) Responsiveness

Q5) What are the requisites of achieving services quality

Q6) State any 5 benefits of Service Quality

Q7) Perceived Quality


Chapter 9th Service Productivity

Q1) What are the strategies for improving services productivity ?

Q2) Explain the 7 Approaches to improving service productivity

Q3) Explain the quality and quantity dimensions to services productivity


Chapter 10th Complaint Handling and Services Recovery

Q1) What are factors influencing complaining behaviours

Q2) State, the guidelines for effective problem resolution

Q3) Explain the concept of service guarantees


Chapter 11th Service Management- Vision, Mission, Strategy & Leadership

Q1) What is service leadership ? Explain the different functions of service leaders

Q2) Explain the quantities of service leaders




Chapter 12th Internal Marketing

Q1)Explain “Moment of Truth”

Q2) Components of internal Marketing

Q3) Services Marketing Trinity/Triangle


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