Service Sector Management Solved Answer Paper 5th November 2014 Exam


Below are tentative answers / possible solutions. If you are using Vipul / Rph / Himalayas even there the answers would differ in each textbook. What matters to the examiner is not whether the answer was exact from the textbook or from any website, but whether you have justified the answer by writing relevant points related to the topic and how clear you are with your concepts. Questions were twisted in today’s paper but you just had to relate the answer with the main concept / topic and explain it well in point-format / para-format.


a) Explain the role of services in modern economy.


Will update soon


b) Explain how the characteristics of services pose a challenge to the service marketers.


Define services & Explain distinctive characteristics of services

What are the factors posing threat to service marketing?



c) Explain the service marketing triangle and evaluate how it is critical to successful service marketing and management.


Write a note on Service Marketing Triangle

Service Marketing Triangle of Airline Industry





a) With reference to the service flower, design the service product for a hotel industry.

Will update soon.


b) Which are the intermediaries involved in service distribution? State their functions in brief.

What is a distribution channel – especially in services?



c) ‘Managing demand and capacity is a challenge for the service industry’ Suggest strategies to overcome this problem.

Explain strategies for managing capacity to match demand?

What are the Strategies for managing demand to match capacity?




a) Explain the Gap model of service quality and state in brief the ways to overcome each gap.

Service quality gaps

What are the SERVICE GAPS?



b) Bring about the importance of service recovery in order to retain the goodwill of a service firm and give guidelines for the same.

What do you mean by service recovery?

How to address to unique characteristics of the Service Industry? Explain strategy and Tactics Overcome it


c) Elucidate the strategies that can be adopted for improving service productivity.

What is service productivity? Explain strategies for improving it?



a) Explain vision-mission statement with reference to service industry.


Concept / Q no. 16 – Vision and Mission statement

Write a short note on Mission Statement

Write a short note on Vision Statement



b) Discuss current and innovative trends for the tourism industry.


Will update soon.


c) Write a note on benchmarking.


Benchmarking concept / question no. 8 







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