Services Offered by Export Promotion Councils



  1. Providing trade inquiries: Information about trade enquiry receive by the council are circulated among members.  As a result, members get the intimation much in advance of the publication.
  2. Make available publications:  The bulletins and publications of the council provide reliable information about foreign markets regularly.
  3. Sponsor trade delegation:  Exporter can join the trade delegation sponsored by the EPC.
  4. Provide publicity:  Exporter can give wide publicity to his products under the council’s publicity plans.
  5. Solve problems:  The difficulties and problems of the exporters are solved by the council by approaching proper authorities.
  6. Display products:  Exporter can display products in the trade fairs and exhibitions arranged by the EPC.
  7. Settle disputes:  Trade disputes of exporters can be settled peacefully and amicable through the co-operation EPC.
  8. Obtain incentives:  Exporter can get the benefits of various incentives and facilities provided by the government by joining the EPC.
  9. Overall guidance:  Exporter get timely help and guidance from the EPCs as regards financial, marketing and other export problems
  10. Explore overseas markets:  The benefits of market service, product developments programmes, etc. undertaken by the EPC (Exploration of overseas markets) are available to member of EPC.
  11. Help to government:  The export promotion councils are helping the government in framing export policies and programmes.
  12. Create export consciousness:  The EPCs are raising exports consciousness amongst Indian manufactures, traders and exporters.  The councils use various media of communication for this purpose.  The contribution of EPCs in the area of export promotion is certainly remarkable.


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