Sex Discrimination


sex discrimination

            We all say India is quite developed nation. The world’s most beautiful places are to be seen here. All traditional culture is found here. India is a place of heaven. But who knows that these place of heaven has become hell for sweet little non-criminal girls whose are penalised to death even before their birth, just because they are girls they don’t have right to exist, to create self identity, to enjoy their life.

In India right from early century there is great discrimination between girls and boys. There is wicked thinking in minds of some rural people that what is need to give birth to girl child? The answer is if there is not girl how next generation will exist. Today girls are doing outstanding progress in every field. May be girls are more successful than boy’s in today’s date.

Sex discrimination is one of the major problem in today’s date, we say that India is progressing, but where is progress, is these progress by killing innocent girls. Lack of education in Rural area is major problem. Each and every person should understand the importance of girls and values of their existence. Today sex discrimination is huge problem but also one of the major problem is “Is India safe for girls?” These question rises everyday in girl’s mind.

Is these the position, background of girls feeling unsafe in own’s nation. Many crimes takes place against women. Some fight for their right, while some fight with themself, for being girl. Its the time we need to create awareness to make realise others that girls, womens makes the world brighter, different, so late them live and lets make some change.

AUTHOR : Shivani Meher




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