Getting The Sexy Hugh Jackman Built Right!


He is an Australian actor who was voted in 2008 as one of the ‘Sexiest Men Alive’ by Open Salon,and is he not?  We all fancy Hugh Jackman for his built. The X Men’s Wolverine had an amazing, eye catching and perfectly ripped body, and obviously that wouldn’t have been possible without proper diet and workout training.

He was working out so vigorously that he lost almost 3 to 4 pounds a night.Now that you might not be able to pull off but his workout story can definitely bag big amount in your inspiration and dedication. His trainer-Steve Ramsbotton is the man behind the success of Jackman’s body.

hugh jackman

Jackman says,in an interview,that he woke up early in the morning at 4 am and ate 4 egg whites.

-After every 3 hours ,he used to intake combination of protein/steamed vegetables and brown rice.

-He took protein generally in the form of protein shakes

-After midday, Jackman did not eat carbohydrates,but only stressed on veggies,meat,fish,chicken breasts and steak.

-Again a protein smoothie before bed.

He wouldn’t like this schedule.But he was pretty dedicated to get that body,he would schedule his treats by having dark chocolates and ice creams once in a while.


Coming to the workout,his routine was divided into 3 phases

1)Mass Building-This was all about changing the speed of each round by some seconds to build mass. Like.running for 5 minutes,and then slow down for a minute,and the repetitions of the same.

2)Strength Training-It can be clearly seen by his arms and abs.The weights were not fixed.In an interview with Men’s Health,Jackman said -‘‘I would change it up every 3 weeks. Three weeks heavy with lots of rest between sets. Then change to lighter weight, slower reps, four count up, four count down. Then mix in fast, explosive lifting, always changing the workout.”

3)Maintenance-Jackman paid utmost attention in maintaining the body he made with so much pain.He engaged himself in picking up weights and doing yoga,stretching exercises and running.


The 6 ft 3 inch tall actor never made any complains or ever hesitated for doing something so challenging like this within a particular period or performing any stunts.Most of the stunts were done by Hugh Jackman himself.

Pranchal Joshi.

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