Shaam-E-Rafi Saahab

0 Invites all BMS students who are Music Lovers of Mohd. Rafi to the Shaam-E-Rafi Saahab Musical Event.

Location – A Musical at Dinanath Hall, Ville Parle East, Mumbai on Sunday at 8.30 pm on 29th May.

Rafi Saab, is indeed the best singer of all times. Today, 30 years after his death, he lives on eternally. His songs today are just as popular as they were during his lifetime.

Singers : Anil Bajpai, Sowmya Varma, C.S. Pant and Ankur Grover.

Chief Guest : Playback Singer Poornima (Sushma Shrestha) .
Rohan Mahendra Kapoor will also attend as Spl Guest.

According to Rafi saaab lovers, Anil Bajpai is the closest clone to Rafi saaheb. He is the first copy among Rafi Singers – as they say.

Well judge it for yourselves and do Share your Opinion with Rafi Saab Lovers.

Ankur Grover is a prominent name in the singing arena. Has appeared on TV channels in Singing Competiions across the country and is currently focussing on a Singing Career. Has a very Strong Stage Presence.

Sowmya Varma is a Prominent face on the Stages at various centres and her Singing Style with a Smile is what music lovers and fans look forward to. She has the ‘added’ advantage of singing the same song in two voices if its a female duet. Like the song of Lata and Samshad in Mughul E Azam. Uniquely Versatile.

People ask us the choice of Songs and about how many ‘sad songs’ would be taken.
Like to inform that No sad songs would be taken this time…..

Music Co-Ordinator
– Nandu Kerkar.
Presented by : The Rafi Foundation.

Some songs of Kavi Neeraj would be taken and the compositions of Kalyanji and Anandji too.

Bookings Open from Wednesday between 9am to 12pm and 5 pm to 8pm.

Grab the opportunity to get discount on tickets, Contact for more details of the tickets : Vinayak Shinde.

RSVP : 9833 250 701.

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