Shakespeare, I’m not!



Thinking, thinking very hard about what my article should be about. I contemplated numerous subjects from current affairs to entertainment. I also thought about writing something fun and upbeat like, ‘20 things to do instead of getting married at 22’( quite relevant, at least in my family) would strike a nerve with many girls and some boys or just little informative article about MBA, MMS and PGDM. But just then I saw a commercial of Bigg Boss season-08 and then I thought we all are voyeurs of kind or the other. We love to watch 13 people fight it out on cameras, peep into someone’s phone while they are they sitting next to us.

So, I thought what could be better than putting my thoughts on paper about writing an article. Most honest, heartfelt and if I may say so, a little self-depreciating. Apparently, I among the millions who think they can actually write. At least about my struggles with writing if not anything as important as India and Australia signing the nuke deal or the PM’s effort to get them while they are young (smart move). But in all fairness my essays were read out to the class in my school years.

But then if I don’t make at least one whole hearted effort how will I know whether I can write or I am just wasting time or I am good only for Mills and Boon? I know it’s quite clichéd but very true. So, I have put my heart and soul in it and made a valiant effort to put my thoughts on paper for someone to read, analyse and judge.






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