Shakti Mills Photojournalist Gang Rape Case


Shakti mill gang rape case

Four men were convicted and out of them three were found guilty by the Mumbai Court on Monday in the Mumbai mill gang rape case.

The trio, Mohammed Salim Ansari, Vijay Mohan Jadhav and Mohammad Qasim Hafiz Shaikh alias Kasim Bengali are common convicts in both the cases.

These people are the same which committed the horrific crime,  the gangrape of photojournalist in July 2013.

Seven persons including two minors were arrested in connection with the two gangrapes. Three of the convicts are common to both the cases.

The three common convicts in both the cases have been sentenced to life imprisonment in the telephone operator case by the Mumbai Court.

The court convicted the five men for gangrape, criminal conspiracy, common intention, unnatural sex, criminal intimidation, wrongful restraint, and assault, destruction of evidence under IPC and other relevant sections of the Information Technology Act.
The judge had found the rapists guilty of offences that included showing pornography to her and forcing her to perform similar acts, stripping her and destroying evidence.

Two minors, one in each case, are being tried by the Juvenile Justice Board separately.

According to sources, the police had described the photographer’s attackers as unemployed school drop-outs while the neighbours said they were a gang of youths known for petty theft and drinking in the

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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