Shaminder Kochar, Business Head, Excalibur India


Name – Shaminder Kochar

Company – Excalibur India

Tell us something about yourself?

Entrepreneurial professional with over 20 years’ experience, demonstrating  innovative approach leadership and unique mix of multi-industry exposure with specialization in Business management, Sales management, Direct marketing , SBU management ,Franchise management and  E-Commerce.
Created winning teams in both B2B & B2C sectors including Consumer durables, I.T., Appliances, Health care and Environment service companies like ISS, Godrej Hi-care Ltd, Eureka Forbes ltd., Electrolux, Ion Exchange, etc.

Tell us something about your company?

Excalibur consulting is a Mumbai based, team of experienced sales & marketing professionals, with associate branches in Bangalore and Delhi.

We at Excalibur consulting, help companies to achieve their business goals, by adapting ‘Winning Sales Processes’, ‘Winning Training’ and ‘Optimizing the sales systems’ in order to capture more profitable business.

Excalibur sales academy conducts ‘Certificate course in Selling Skills & Personality development, at Mumbai. This is a part time 4 weeks course , involving 8 classes and a short sales assignment.

According to you, what is management all about?

Well, the definition of management is changing from conventional way of defining ‘Management as the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively ‘to a new one, that is ‘Management through Leadership’, where every member of the team utilizes ‘Business intelligence’ to capture both present and the potential opportunities in the market. And then accomplish desired goals, by making available, managing the required resources for the objective.

Your views on Corporate World?

The Corporate world is moving more towards Globalization, wherein gaps between economies, work culture and management ways are reducing. Hence today’s corporate manager should be ready to work in any culture, economy.

What is your philosophy towards work?

My philosophy towards work “Always put your heart in everything you do” and “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere “.

Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

My most exciting, memorable experience was with Eureka Forbes Ltd., my first job, where I encountered maximum fun while doing direct selling to HNIs.

In my opinion, all management aspirants must learn to focus on their customers and how to make the customer’s experience a delightful one.

“Earning more and more” is the motive behind doing BMS? Is it justifiable?

Well, it depends on the individual’s goals and value system. I believe leaning and desire to excel should be the main aim and money will automatically follow a successful person.

Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

I think there are a lot of cases where people actually get better jobs and make more money based solely on the college they attended. The reputation of college is built over a period of time and level of knowledge as well as practical applications known to their graduates.

What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

Understand the practical aspect of management and functions of management like marketing, Finance, etc. How your performance in a particular role will help company’s overall business objectives and the customer.

If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

Commonsense, qualification and will to work hard.

Your feedback for is an excellent portal for management students, giving them vital qualitative information about the industry and Professional Career Counseling.

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  1. Nice interview … is doing good job by bringing industry professional to such platforms.
    I am sure this would help young students.

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