Sharad Yadav accuses Nitish Kumar of casteism



Janata Dal (United)’s chief Sharad Yadav slammed Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for playing caste politics. He also accused Bihar Chief Minister and RJD President Lalu Prasad for diviing people on caste lines in the election season.

BJP took this opportunity to hit back at its former ally and welcomed Sharad Yada’s views.

Facebook fans and Twitteraites also shared their opinions :

  1. Sharad Yadav supposedly wanted to remain in NDA. But Nitish dominated at that time.
  2. Sharad Yadav ki party se ho sakti hain chutti , KC tyagi would be new president : focus News
  3. One can well under stand the plight of Sharad Yadav.He not only lost the coveted NDA convever post which would easily have got him Defence
  4. Sharad Yadav wants to join BJP after 16th May to get a ministerial post. BJP should not allow Sharad Yadav to join BJP, he has cheated us.”
  5. I m sure Sharad Yadav was not happy leaving NDA Why he took so long to come out of frustration against Nitish’s cast politics
  6. Some drama going on in JDU. Sharad Yadav & Nitish desperate to join NDA. NaMo shud not allow these culprits.
  7. Sharad Yadav‘s sudden u-turn shows that he too can surpass Nitish Kr. on being opportunist. Betrayal runs deep in JD(U) ppl
  8. So as earlier said Sharad Yadav all set to join BJP after 16 May

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