Shocking! Aamir Khan To Go Completely Nude For P.K.!


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Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, who is known for his perfectionism, will be seen posing nude for P.K.’s poster. An entertainment website report says that the actor will bare it all with just a stereo system to cover his front. This is the OMG type of news for bollywood crazy people.

The felicitated of Talaash contest winner by Aamir Khan at Trident hotel on saturday.

The first-of-its-kind poster will shock the audience as it will see Aamir Khan completely nude. He will be holding a stereo system to cover his crotch.

Another report in India Today said that the Ghajini star will bare it all in the introduction scene of the movie itself. In the film, Aamir is playing the role of an alien who lands on Earth by choice. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the movie is a political satire and will see Aamir in a never-seen-before-avatar.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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