Shocking Expectations From The Movie Singham Returns


singham returns

15th August is nearby, and so is the willingness of the action packed film, namely Singham Returns, to break the numbers at the box office this Independence day. As always Rohit Shetty is best suited with his great presence of humor as well as thrilling action sequences. After a cinematic sucess of Golmaal Franchise, All the Best and Chennai Express, the Singham Franchise is also looked forward with a lot of expectations. And as the Rohit and Ajay’s jodi never fails to impress the viewers, we can see a great squeal in a long time this Friday.

 What to look forward in the movie?


1. More Blasts. More flying cars.

2. Another 100 crores on the block.

3. A new plot or continuation of the prequel.

4. Ajay-Bebo chemistry.

5. Comedy or action – The upper hand?

singham returns 1


Blast from the past:

The single starer action packed 2011 film Singham was a story of a small town police officer, Bajirao Singham, working hard for the well being of his country and eradicating the false practices of the bad men around. Meeting one of the top mafias of Goa namely Jaykant Shikre and enrages a big war between the two to get personal upper hand over other, where on one hand, Bajirao being the protagonist and Jaykant playing the antagonist.


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Kabeer Rath


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