Should A BMS Student Rely On Question Banks Provided In The College?


Should A BMS Student Rely On Question Banks Provided In The College?

Question Banks

Nowadays many professors don’t finish the portion on time, or they fear that students will fail, hence they give a question bank to their students. Now the question is, should you refer that question bank and blindly rely on that and that only? Here are a few facts about the question bank.


  1. Question bank doesn’t contain 100% questions.

A question bank is provided to you so that you understand what type of questions will come in the exam. It is just an over-view of the main paper. Hence you cannot just study the questions from the question bank and expect good marks. You may pass but you won’t excel.


  1. If you’re not thorough with the question bank, you will fail.

Since already the question bank contains 60-75% of the questions that will come for the exam, if you’re not thorough with the question bank, or you just study a few questions, you will face difficulty while writing the exam.

 Question Bank

  1. Studying only from a question bank is a huge risk.

Since already the question bank doesn’t contain all questions, you’re taking a risk. But what’s more important is, when you get options, if all your options are out of the question bank, you will have a lot of problems.


  1. The exam committee sets the question paper for exams. Teachers just provide questions.

Teachers give the question set to the exam committee and they set the paper. They can add and remove certain questions as per their choice. If you only rely on the question bank provided by the teacher, you will be at loss.


  1. You will waste your time studying unwanted questions in the question bank.

You have to study extra questions which will sure shot not come in your exam. The teachers for the sake of giving, they add extra questions which won’t come in the exam. And they will eliminate the important questions that might come in the exam. Remember, Question banks are not important questions. It is just a way to get weak students to pass.

 question bank

  1. You will get over-confident and then repent.

Since you have a question bank, you won’t start studying from the start. You will think since you already have questions in your hand, you can start studying just before exams come. If you observe, teachers give the question bank only a week or two before exams start. So, you will not only lose your marks when you’re over-confident, you will also take a lot of stress.


  1. If nothing comes from the question bank, you cannot blame anyone.

Teachers always say, study from the question bank on your own risk. You will have hard time after your results are out. You won’t be able to do anything about it and you cannot even complain to your teachers because they are not the ones who set your paper.

 Question Bank

  1. You will get so used to the Question bank that you will have a hard time in the 3rd

Since the 1st two years’ exam papers are set only by your own college, you won’t have any problems. But the 3rd year final exam papers is set by MUMBAI UNIVERSITY, so you will face lot of problems then because you have to study everything in very less time.


There are many benefits if you study a question bank. You understand what kind of questions come in the exam, and you will know which chapters are important. But there is a huge risk if you only refer the question bank. My advice to you is to study the question bank thoroughly and study at least 20 more questions from your textbook, notes, and refer previous year papers.


By Rhea Shetty.

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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.