Should Gambling in India be legalized?


One thing is for certain – Indians love to gamble.  Currently most gambling in India is illegal. The law at this time seems more concerned with scaring Indians not to gamble, than it does much to prevent it. It is legal all over the world and is regulated but not criminalized, but in our country the regulation fails. Although a good percentage is wagered legally on horse racing and lottery, a large amount is wagered on cricket and other sports via illegal and technically illegal channels. A recent news report sized the Indian gambling market at Rs. 3 lakh crore ($60 billion USD) annually.


Despite the existing prohibitive legislation, there is extensive illegal gambling throughout the country. Only two states in the country, Goa and Sikkim, allow casinos. When the possibility of earning or losing lakhs and crores through betting exists, someone somewhere will always try to influence the game. With betting being illegal in India it still remains an area controlled by the dark underworld. Time immemorial, we are coming across big personalities and sports players being accused of gambling which means illicit gambling is in a way devastating our country. Thus, gambling should be legalized in our country.


Legalizing sports betting would have some benefits. It could reduce instances of match- or spot-fixing, generate tax revenues for the government, and protect minors and other vulnerable people from the risk posed by an unregulated market.  It will also help the country to delink from the underworld and reduce the corruption in the game. According to our culture, Gambling is considered immoral but it has imbibed in the system of Indians.


Legalizing betting will make the sports gambling more accessible to people who cannot afford to bet.  It seems highly likely fully legal gambling will come to India at some point – how far away that is, is anyone’s guess.

-Tanvi Shah

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Smita Singh


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