Should I Have Met Your Mother in Season 10?



How I Met Your Mother is an American sitcom which as famous for the epic story of Ted Mosby and his friends. The first season begins with Ted from 2030, begins to tell the story of how he met their mother.

The story begins with Ted in McLaren’s and it’s love at first sight when he sees Robin. And then there is Barney LEGEN.. wait for it… DARY Stinson for whom love is just a waste of time. And then there is Marshall who is Ted’s bestfriend and Lily his college sweetheart.

The story revolves around these five characters. It depicts everything from friendship, love, companionship and lots more.

While the story proceeds Ted and Robin fall in love and break up a thousand times. They go on to date other people but the love still persists. And Ted goes on a quest to find that one girl whom he knows exist but is unable to find. Robin finds love in Barney and they decide to marry each other.

The entire nine seasons are full of incidents revolving around Robin and Ted. The cutesy run and chase between them. But even when Robin gets married to Barney, Ted realizes his love is slipping away..

There are times when we roll our eyes with the track going the same way for the umpteenth time. Each passing season went in anticipation of finally being able to see the ‘Mother’ in the story. But when Ted finally finds her in the tenth season, it makes us all roll back in time and gauge the story again. But her death raises a lot of question.

In the season finale, after much persuasion from his kids Ted is seen with the Blue French Horn under Robin’s window and life seems to come in full circle.

While many criticized the end of the story, the makers have done a fabulous job with the execution. It instills the faith in love that no matter what you end up with the right person..

– Kashmeera Tambe

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