Should Women Work?



The saddest part about this topic is that even today, in India, the topic remains as a debatable issue. In fact there should be no debate about this topic. Yes, women should work. The choice should be left entirely to them. Yet you see, in cities, girls with good educational qualifications getting married, and then quietly withdrawing into the four walls –of the home. In villages, even today, a woman is expected to leave her marital home only at the time of her death.

The strongest argument in favour of a woman’s working is the financial independence that she thereby achieves. A regular and decent earning gives her social dignity and works as a cushion against the harassment and the ill-treatment from her husband and in-laws. She is free to spend as she wishes, and most important, need not feel financially insecure when she is deserted by her family.

The argument that the mothers must be always with their children is insignificant. Women all over the world today have been going regularly to work and still are able to manage their homes and children well. The additional income makesit possible for the family to hire ayahas, governesses, servants, cooks and tuition teachers, besides bringing into the home additional comforts and facilities that otherwise would have been possible.

The reason why men oppose the idea of woman working is that they fear their supremacy would be threatened. For there is no doubt that anything a man can do a woman can also do equally well or even better. Today, we see women everywhere as doctors, lawyers, nurses teachers, accountants, police officers, member of parliament and even ministers. Who says that they are not doing a good job? These women also have families which they do not neglect and homes that they care for with great love and affection.


– Tanvi Shah


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