Should women workers be banned from working in night shifts?


working in night shifts

Every woman has her own right to live, earn with her own hard efforts and pursue her dreams and passion. Many organizations have job vacancies which include night shifts leaving no choice for women to work even in shifts. Even when there are night shifts, the organization holds itself responsible for the safety of women by providing facilities to them to reach home safely. They also give equal rights in their work field and encourage them for their performance.

But there is lots of difference between India and other countries like culture, habits and thinking including the safety of women. Many call-centers and other sectors of companies in foreign countries never differentiate men and women but in India there are different opinions. In India, many people think that women are sensitive, weak and should stay at home.

Yes, it’s true that there are certain evil elements in the society who abuse, torture and harass women not only outside but even at workplace. But they forget that in spite woman being soft and sensitive at heart, she is bold enough to face the challenges and fight against the harmful activities. It’s always said “A person cannot do anything alone; he always needs a support system to fight against anything”. Here also woman should be supported by her family to fight against the social injustice and give freedom to live her life on her own terms and conditions. Gone are those days, when woman used to enjoy her life inside the four walls of her house. Now, a 21st century woman wants to compete with man in all aspects. If a woman can be a best mother, sister, wife, friend in her personal life; she can also rock her professional life by playing different roles like being the best team leader, manager and so on. Woman deserves the freedom to live their own life in their own way like a free bird that can fly as high as possible but at the end of the day it returns back home and fulfills its responsibilities.

History of India is evident that there are many successful women like Kiran Bedi, Indira Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Jyotirao Phule, Rani Laxmibai, and Madam Kama who were brave and had made their mark and achieved what they wanted. In the business world, women have reached the topmost level that no one might have imagined like the success story of Indira Nooyi, the CEO of Pepsico company, Chairman of Infosys Sudha Narayan Murthy who was not only a support system for Narayan Murthy but is also a famous writer of many books and lastly, Arundhati Roy who was a famous writer as well as social worker.

These examples do inspire women to make a difference in her life and lead her own life. But at the same time there are some people who don’t want woman to prosper in her life and that’s why they create problems in her life. Delhi, the capital of India wherein there are many rape cases and murders making women lead an unsecured life. There is no safety for women even at Mumbai wherein there are thefts, kidnap cases and molestations. Adding to it, the newspapers and news channels leave no stone unturned for making people not only aware of such cases but instead trying to create an impression among the people that IT’SA SIN TO SEND WOMAN OUTSIDE HER HOUSE EVEN AT DAYTIME. Forget about Night Shifts then! This makes women weak mentally by fearing the society and giving up her own dreams and ambitions just for the reason that she is not safe and needs someone or bodyguard to protect her all the time. Going back to the history and comparing it with the present, I can say women are not weak but they are made weak by the society by showing her the ill effects of her travelling outside home. Women were unsafe even in past time and they did undergo the same situations as now. But they had the willpower to fight and achieve success even in the hardest times. AS I SAID WOMEN IS STRONG ENOUGH TO FACE ANY SITUATION IN THEIR LIFE. It’s just we have to train them, make them understand how they can make a difference in their life and working in night shifts would be just another challenge for them.

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Indira L


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