Should youth indulge in politics?


By hearing word ‘politics’ today’s youth react in very negative way that ‘vo gandi nali me kaun jayega’ or ‘dats a dirty gutter which can never be cleaned’. No one wants to enter or clean the gutter because they think that they would get dirty by cleaning the country’s dirt.

Mostly youth doesn’t enter in to politics because of India’s poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, corruption and if youth wants to enter into politics then the old politicians try to make the fresher remove from the political lead. Due to that many of the youths don’t prefer politics. I think youth should indulge in politics as the country could get more ideas and new concepts, conventions and principles and due to that many of the dirty things could get changed and our country also steps up with the developed countries and technology also could get more better and India could be the better country to live in and the whole world has a dream wants to be in India.

I know its really difficult but everything is possible. So if youths enter into politics they have new ideas and new mentality towards handling situation that would help the country to get into besties. Even youth knows very well what is the situation of the country so it would be really interesting to see a youth as a politician.

If youth started to enter and if played a good or excellent role i think all youths could get inspired and there would be no more illiterate politicians but there would also be exams conducted to become an politician and that would really help our country to progress at a really faster rate.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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