Shout “Marco”, your phone will answer “Polo”


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Ever thought of finding your misplaced phone by shouting? Here it is, the “Marco Polo” app. You shout “Marco” and your phone will answer “Polo” from wherever it is, this would enable you to find your phone easily if it is misplaced. This app would let you know the location of your phone which would make it easy to find it.

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A very funny way to find your phone if you forget it in the kitchen or it is left under the sofa cushion. Just shout loudly and your phone will shout back at you. The Marco Polo phrase is a default one; it can be customized as per requirement. Say “Where are you?” and the phone will answer “Here I am.” Set the phrase of your choice.

The app was created by Matt Wiechec, a designer and developer based in Toronto.

“In those moments where we have all lost our phones to the sofa cushions, or left them on the coffee table, or in the bathroom, we now have a fun way to find them again,” Wiechec said.

“It’s like playing tag with your phone, just walk around shouting Marco! And your phone will ring back Polo! In another room,” he added.
A must app for people who are habitual to forget their cell phones here and there.


– By Anand Thakkar

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