Shreya Careers for BMS, BBI, BAF, BFM, CET/CAT, IBPS/PO since 2006


A boutique of highly Energetic, Educated and Experienced Professionals, Shreya Careers was incepted in 2005 with a down to the Earth philosophy by Mr. Sunil D. Newaskar.

At Shreya Classes Wings Of Knowledge are build in the hands of Experts from different arenas of Corporate.

We have specialized for the Courses such as BMS, B.Com (Banking & Insurance), B.Com. (A & F), etc. Systematic, Elaborative literature helps students to acquire complete crux of subject. Even, Demonstrations, Presentations by Corporate Executives Chisel out their thoughts & concepts. Students are encouraged to become ‘Think Tank’.

We take a Pride to say ‘Shreya Classes has developed nearly Seven Hundred Corporate Executives.

We also undertake CAT / CET – MBA/MMS – Maharashtra. Many students from different reputed colleges have been trained and groomed for CAT/ CET. Learning Culture with an emphasis on Ethical Values has always been a guiding stone for our Students.

Contact Us:

Sunil Newaskar

2nd Floor, Wadal Apartment,
Above Blossom Beauty Parlour,
Near Dombivli Nagari Sahakari Bank (Main Branch)
Dombivli (E) – 421 201

Cell: 9820636208

Email: [email protected]

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We are providing Professional and Knowledge based Coaching for BMS/ B & I /A & F since 2009 and CFA /CFP/ MBA/MS-Finance Since 2006. in Dombivili. (E). we guided more than 750 Professional and 150 Self-Financing Students by Corporate Grooming and soft skills development.


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