Sightseeing in Rome? Do it as the Romans do!



The list of what to see in Rome is immense. Packed with tourist attractions and world famous sites, it can be hard to find all the best places to see in Rome when you’re on a tight schedule. From world renowned and bustling tourist hubs like the Colosseum, to the relatively obscure Villa dei Quintili and far more beyond, Rome simply has so much to see!

So if you’re planning to visit the Eternal City and want to make the most of your trip, then our selection of Rome’s top tourist attractions could be just the thing for you. We’ve put together an expert guide highlighting what to see in Rome, with our top ten places to visit in ROME.


1. Ostia Antica:


Let’s be honest, when you were thinking of what to see in Rome, Ostia Antica probably wasn’t the first site you came across. Yet this underrated gem is one of Rome’s best tourist attractions. Ostia contains the amazingly well preserved remains of Rome’s ancient port – it’s quiet, fascinating and just brilliant to explore.

2. The Colosseum


Now the Colosseum, that crops up on every list of sites to see in Rome there ever was. And with good reason. Once the largest amphitheater of the Empire, where gladiators, criminals and lions alike fought for their lives, the Colosseum is an absolute must for any tour of Rome, despite crowds and cheap costumes…

3. Villa dei Quintili


Of all the places to visit in Rome, Villa dei Quintili is one of the most forgotten. Yet this ancient villa, once home to Emperor Commodus (the baddie in Gladiator), is captivating. It remains in good nick all-in-all, and you can even see Commodus’ private gladiatorial training arena (not that it did him much good in the film…)

 4: San Clemente


Ever heard of Mithras? If things had gone differently you might be worshiping the guy. A popular Roman deity, there were Mithraeum across the Empire. One example is under the beautiful San Clemente. There’s loads to see in the depths of this church – so when considering what to see in Rome, definitely check this out.

5. Palatine Hill


Let’s face it, the Palatine Hill was the Primrose Hill of its day – where all those who wanted to see and be seen had a pad. Today it’s among the most visited of Rome’s tourist attractions and houses some of the city’s most impressive ancient sites. Don’t miss the small museum and the houses of Augustus and Livia.

6. Roman Forum


One of the most famous places to visit in Rome, the Forum was the centre of Roman life. Today it lacks its former grandeur and needs a bit of imagination to really get the idea – until the oft-touted Roman theme park is built of course – but it does have loads to see. There are free tours you can join and these are worthwhile.

7. Vatican Museums


You can’t come to Rome without visiting the Vatican Museums which are rightfully placed among the top sights in Rome. From frescoes by Raphael and the sarcophagus of the Junius Bassus to the famed Sistine Chapel, they house a comprehensive collection of artwork and historical pieces from throughout history.

8. Catacombs of San Callisto


Eerie, creepy yet fascinating at the same time, Rome plays host to a number of tucked-away Christian catacombs. The largest crypt belongs to that of San Callisto, which holds half a million bodies and offers tourist a glimpse of the macabre. When considering what to see in Rome, this is certainly one for your left-field list.

9. Via Appia Antica


If all roads lead to Rome then this was the ancient world’s biggest superhighway and is a key entry on any list of what to see in Rome. Not only was it Rome’s most prominent artery, it was also the burial place of choice for many of Rome’s citizens and today you can see a host of tombs and public buildings.

10. Hadrian’s Villa


The private residence of one of Rome’s most famous Emperors, it turns out he liked building villas as well as walls. Nowadays the remains of Hadrian’s Villa are a bit of a trek and may not often feature among the top places to visit in Rome. But if you put in the effort, you won’t be disappointed.


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