Silence – a method of communication


Mere silence is also a method of communication. Sometimes, silence can most effectively express the response or reaction to a communication. Silence can effectively communication several responses. It can express anger, fear, refusal, disapproval, resentment, etc. When a proposal is put to an individual and she keeps quite, it signifies her acceptance of the proposal. Silence can also be used to improve oral communication. A good speaker gives a slight pause before and after making an important point during his speech.

Silence can be harmful in some cases. When a listener does not reply to a specific question, a communication gap may arise. But there is no doubt that silence is also a medium of communication. In face to face situation, silence on the part of the speaker may indicate that he is not sure of what to say or does not like the reaction of the audience. Facial expression and posture indicates the meaning behind the silence.


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