Simple Things You Can Do Right Now To Build Better Habits



Habits signifies the characters of a person. Building a good habit is a difficult task, just as fulfilling new-year resolutions which looks like an impossible task 😛  But if you are going to start your own business or you are a high level executive, if not now, but in future then it is essential to have habits that are appealing and not self-humiliating. Follow these 3 basic steps when you are trying to build a new habit.

1- Start with a habit you can’t say no.


Building a new habit takes a whole out of you. Developing is even more difficult as you have to stick to it for a long-term. As in business, consistency is also a vital part of building a habit. Start with something you will not want to say no to. It may for a small duration, but just START! Start from small and gradually build yourself. It wont really matter if you start from a small thing because gradually you grow in that particular habit. If you want to lose weight-start jogging for 10mins. If you want to write- start writing half a page.

2- Analyse what is holding you back.


Sometimes you strictly decide on losing your weight and make your schedule as per that – jogging in the morning, healthy diet and so on. But you jump on seeing a box of sweets and have as many as you want. Claiming that “Who isn’t tempted by looking at these wonderful sweets.” That’s pathetic. Deciding is not just determining something, but also to start and keep on doing that. Break your habits into small pieces and look through what is really holding you back. Don’t let yourself down , look through your problems and solve it. It will prove your dedication towards your goal.

3-  Develop a plan if you fail.

Plan-A plan B....

Failures are the stepping stones to success. We all are familiar with this proverb and it is so true. Rarely people succeed in the first attempt. That doesn’t mean you have to stop attempting. You have to strive hard to reach at the peak. For all these, there is a need for you to develop plans if you fail. The same way you plan A, plan B, Plan C for your venture. Not achieving something does not make you abnormal. What separates top performers from others is the act of getting back after falling.

Keep up the positive attitude. As James Clear, an entrepreneur and writer advisors you to change your motto to “never miss twice.”

-Vatsal Doshi


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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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