Six Major Reasons You Shouldn’t Have An iPhone



Six Major Reasons You Shouldn’t Have An iPhone

  • COSTLY: – Okay! Now this is something which is self-explanatory. Apple the multinational company which has a number of loyal fans across the globe including both types the ones who own an iPhone and the other who tries their luck at every given contest, quiz, etc, which promises to give an iPhone as a token of prize. But have we ever thought for what do we pay such a heavy amount? No because we all know that even though the product only has a better quality of camera and it launches sleek good looking models every now and then and is considered as a status symbol we pay the price. If you have an iPhone you are considered rich.


  • NO F.M. – FM is not considered as important maybe in the place where it is designed but if you are the one who gets bored with your own playlist every now and then and tune in your radio, IPhone is something you’ll regret buying as it has no FM.


  • NO BLUETOOTH – A phone without Bluetooth will be considered as a nightmare. A phone without Bluetooth is like a fan without electricity- Useless. Well I agree a little bit exaggerated but nowadays people are so into sharing music, videos and stuff and every time you will not like to use your internet for doing that unless you have a Wi-Fi connection. Bluetooth has become the most necessary and a must have feature in all the mobile phones.


  • Delicate– As it is a costly item. It has been made with a lot of care and requires someone who handles with even more care and gentleness. Other cellphones are also delicate but iPhone tops the charts in the list of delicate phones. If you’re an accident lover and you and your phone keeps falling every minute this isn’t your cup of tea.


  • Accounts – You cannot keep your phone logged in with different accounts. Unlike other phones apple IPhone only allows logging in by only one account.


  • No memory card slot Oh my god! Now this seems to be heights of anything that would happen. Even a 3500rs phone has an expandable memory card slot! Main disadvantage of an IPhone you see?


Everything has a flip side and though owning an iPhone would be a luxury it has its set of flaws too!

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Afifa Qureshi


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