Skullcandy headphones ‘Exclusively for Women’


skullcandy women

Headphones are particularly a guy-oriented device due to big heads and love for loud music. We can rarely see a female sporting a headphone around the city. But, there is something female music lovers should look out for.

Skullcandy has launched is collection of Women’s line headphones and earbuds with Brandeyes Distributors Pvt. Ltd., its exclusive Distribution and Marketing Partner in India.

Headphones have forever been built with unisex fit, acoustic and design. Skullcandy brings to the market a line of headphones that are engineered, designed, colored, cushioned and patterned to actually fit women.

Considerations for the product line in the development process included acoustics, comfort, materialization, fit, and even hygiene. The collection’s audio drivers are custom-tuned to reflect field research that supports the fact that women and men hear differently.


As per the extensive research on women’s studies:


·         Women’s hearing is more sensitive than men’s at higher frequencies. Harsh highs will bother them before men.

·         Women can hear background noise at 10x lower volume than men.

·         Women experience tension more often in music than men.


·         Women on average have smaller heads and ears than men.

·         Women are more sensitive to higher clamping pressures.

·         Women have smaller ear canals than men.

Fine-tuned, and engineered for Women, the line is complimented by premium fabrics and materialization. Floral prints, rose gold finishes, and subtle stud embellishments are bold fashion-forward aesthetics that add a feminine edge to the predominantly unisex category, and are a reflection of our female consumer and her unique style and perspective.

The women’s collection is stacked with three different styles – the Knockout, an over-ear headphone, The Bombshell, in-ear Fix technology and the Dime, in-ear bud earphone.


Skullcandy Knockout: – Priced at Rs. 6,999

Color Option:

(Robin, Smoked Purple, Coral, Floral, Burgundy, Gold)

Skullcandy Bombshell: – Priced at Rs. 3,499

Color Option:

(Robin, Smoked Purple, Coral, Floral, Burgundy, Gold)

Skullcandy Dime: – Priced at Rs. 2,299

Color Option:

(White/Geo/Black, Robin, Smoked Purple, Coral, Floral, Burgundy)


–         By Anand Thakkar

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