Smart Cup – Vessyl



Reporting about smart phones, smart desks, now it’s time to turn towards the kitchen and share something which can help you to cut down your calorie intake through the liquids you consume throughout the day. The beverages one consumes have a big impact on our health, whether it’s a hot one or something chilled.
Vessyl, a smart cup that can determine not only how much liquid is inside it, but also what that beverage is. Yes, it is real. Vessyl was designed by Jawbone’s Chief Creative Officer Yves Behar, and is the culmination of seven years of work for CEO Justin Lee. The cup knows the difference between Tropicana OJ and the store brand, and will win the Pepsi challenge every time.
Vessyl also knows the caloric, caffeine and even protein content of that drink and will track that information and more throughout the course of your day. Vessyl may help people to track the liquid intake and one can decide what he has to drink and he need not drink.
“Tracking what you consume is as important if not more important than tracking the calories that we’re burning through exercise,” says Lee. “The goal of the Vessyl was to create something that is about what matters to you.”


– By Anand Thakkar

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