Smartphones Smarter: Can Monitor Your Blood Glucose And Analyze DNA


smartphone monitor glucose img


Smartphones are addictive according to people but the development in the world of smartphones has made people addicted to the device. With so many new features made available day by day, the availability is unstoppable.

Researchers have developed a new display sebsor for smartphones that can read a user’s spit to check their body temperature and even analyze DNA.



Researchers from Polytechnique Montreal and Gorilla Glass manufacturer Corning, have developed new sensors that can be embedded within the smartphone’s display, allowing the users to take their temperature, assess blood levels (if diabetic) and work alongside platforms such as Apple’s HomeKit to give provide more information about their health.

The scientists have also created their first laser-written light-guiding systems that could pioneer these advancements and shot lasers into glass to create pathways that transmit data in the form of small beams of light, while the waveguides act as a tunnel that channel light.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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