SnapChat – An Easier Way To Have Conversations Than Typing Text Messages



 Snapchat makes it easy to have digital conversation by bringing the biggest and important update in the app – it lets you text inside and once you leave a conversation, the messages disappear. It also lets you video call a friend at a moment’s notice. It gets you rid of the weird boxes where you put media and instead get into the essence of conversations. The new app will not tell you whether you have received a snap or a chat but instead show the name of the friend who wants your attention. A blue bubble in your chat window means your friend is also in the chat. Only when both people are inside a chat, they can initiate a video call by pressing and holding on the blue button. There is no ringing or there is no answer call button to press. You can talk as much as you want while your friend listen and if you want to show them something, you can activate the rear-facing camera. There is no end call button either and you just have to lift up your finger. This app cuts down on the text notifications many of us experience. The app captures the best parts of a conversation where we both are paying attention to each other which makes us feel good.

In future, Snapchat might facilitate all the ways you talk to friends and family without feeling overbearing. The app is just a way to share what you are feeling or experiencing.


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