Snapdeal Has Goofed Up Yet Again!?


The Snapdeal logo

It’s not uncommon to hear bad experiences with e-commerce stores: your products are not delivered, sometimes they are lost and sometimes they are delivered to you, but not in one piece.

Just two months after the company sent a Mumbai man a bar of Vim soap and a brick instead of a Samsung smartphone, it did a similar mistake again.

Screen grab from the FB post.

According to a Times of India report, a Pune based man received two pieces of stone instead of the two Apple iPhone 4S he had ordered.

Man orders iPhones, Snapdeal delivers pieces of wood

Below is an image of the undertaking that the delivery person signed:

Luckily Darshan Kabra had chosen the cash on delivery (COD) option. So he didn’t have to go through a tough time trying to get back his money like the previous customer.

Apple iPhone 4S 8 GB (White)  Apple iPhone 4S 8 GB (Black)

The iPhone was collectively worth Rs 40,508. However, after he received two stones, Kabra refused to hand the money over to the Snapdeal delivery person and wrote a letter to Snapdeal saying, ‘this is a complete case of fraud.’

unnamed (2)


snapdeal Letter

According to BGR India, Snapdeal responded immediately with an apology letter and assured him that the matter was being looked into.

Snapdeal responded to Kabra as follows:

Dear Darshan,

Thank you for contacting

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced. Please note that your complaint against the order number (3862659450) has already been raised and we are working on the same. We will surely update you with the resolution at the earliest. Complaint Number: 13052788. We request you to bear with us in the interim.

But, how many times can Snapdeal be forgiven? It’s high time now and Snapdeal should learn from its mistakes.

Such kind of incidences are the reason why people are getting afraid from purchasing products online.

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