So what are FYs and SY going to do this summer?


After a busy schedule of long hours of preparations, late night studying, limited hours of sleep the heaviest thing of exams ended for the students., but what are you going to do now? The excitement of getting out of exams can quickly turn into boredom and frustration about having nothing to do. Do not let this happen to you. As It is a sign of relief for the students; those who have taken their first year or second year exams under graduations, they must be waiting for their results. Which is a long wait for them until then they can make the utmost utilization of the vacation provided with before going to next year.

Students such can indulge in a work, which would be productive for you in the upcoming future. Students can use their vacations in adding up value to their resume, by earning, gaining some valuable experience. All these will result in adding value to their career path and will provide them with exposure, which would prove helpful for them in near future.

You can make your vacation a best period of your college vacations through many such productive means and can enjoy your vacations:-

  •  During the first few weaks, you could relish your opportunity to sleep in and wake up late in the morning try to break that follow through and habituate yourself to wake up early in the morning.
  •  Maintain good hygiene and health by joining gym or any other sports camp, which would keep you fit and fine.
  • Al of us are aware about our strengths and weaknesses this is the time to come up with your weaknesses try your level best to turn them into your strengths.
  • For the students who want to explore new things could visit new places this time and could learn a variety of cultures and traditions and enjoy the new site scene.
  •  Try something different
  • Pursue some short term courses which would benefit you in the future
  • Try to find a job in your future field especially with recognized institution as it would boost your resume.
  • If u has, a habit of reading continues it with the books of next year’s syllabus, which would help you in gaining academic knowledge.
  • Join a voluntary or social group, which would keep you in touch with your friends, meet up new people and social gathering.
  • Follow a schedule or routine .however loosing the schedule would end up doing nothing .



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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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