Soch Badle Toh Desh Badlega! Today’s Requirement For India



In a world that is fast globalizing and is supercharged with information, it calls for innovative efforts on behalf of the change leaders to look, sound and feel different. ‘INDIA – Future of Change’ is one such effort that seeks to emphasize India’s position as a catalyst of change.


In an emerging world order, the importance of creative thinking would soon overpower raw economic might. Money without ideas is just a stale proposition. As countries from across the world integrate financially and culturally, as ‘needs’ from one corner of the globe seek to be addressed by another, it is of utmost importance for places and nations to brand themselves as creative problem solvers to attract more resources and retain talent. In this game, the change masters, who identify and grab this opportunity early on stand to gain immense headway over the way farers who are to follow. India is not just a country of a billion needs and problems, but also a country with a billion dreams and solutions. As the world looks forward to new ideas to drive the globalised economy, India seems to be an inspiring story. This initiative would be a platform for all public and private partners and stakeholders of Brand India to unite and build bridges with the rest of the world.


As every initiative is more than just a platform, we distinguish ourselves with our plan of action. INDIA Future of Change would endeavor to create and foster an awareness of India among the future generations in all places that matter, all over the world. For a start, we are reaching out to campuses across the world with India-specific design contests. Once the creative minds are ignited and united with this common cause, the platform would graduate to building bridges between Indian concerns and global interests and vice versa. Over a period of time, it would become a network of India enthusiasts and futurists who dare to imagine what our world would look like in a couple of decades down the road and work towards making this dream possible.



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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