Social Evils Against Women In India : Does Anybody Out There Even Care?


social evils against women

No pain no gain! But when the pain is endless and faced by all it becomes a social issue. Everything in limit is accepted but when it crosses that limit it becomes unbearable and very hard to tolerate as we all are humans.

Jawaharlal Nehru our first PM had said-“You can tell the condition of the nation by looking at the status of its women.” And social-issues in our country- India are mostly related to women. Rapes, female foeticide, neglect during childhood, early marriage, dowry, atrocities on women, sexual harassment, gender bias (inequality), disparity in education, mistreatment, eve-teasing, women trafficking, property rights, status of widows and divorcees,  etc. Our country may be on the high roads of success but still for a women her life is a battle for survival and dignity from her birth to her death.

While the goddess is welcomed by open arms, our doors are shut tight for the girl child. The murdering of an unborn girl child is termed as female foeticide which is a common scenario in almost all villages. For the want of a male child, an unborn girl child is brutally killed even before she gets a chance to see the world.

Early marriage can be defined as getting married before attaining full mental and physical maturity. In rural India even today in the era of 21st century as we call it, nearly 70% of girls are married before they are 18 out of which 56% bear children even before they are 19.


 Dowry is defined as the property which a man receives from his wife or her family at the time of marriage. The amount of dowry is regulated on factors such as:-

  • Boy’s service and salary,
  • Social and economic status of the girl’s father,
  • The social prestige of the boy’s family,
  • Educational qualifications of the girl and the boy,
  • Girl’s working and her salary,
  • Girl’s and boy’s beauty and features,
  • Future prospects of economic security, etc.

rape women

In every ten rape-cases, six are of minor girls. In every 7 minutes a crime is committed against women. Every 26 minutes a women is molested, every 34 minutes a rape takes place, every 42 minutes a sexual harassment incident occurs, every 43 minutes a woman is kidnapped, and every 93 minutes a woman is burnt to death over dowry.

We all are well aware of these facts and figures as we read about it in news-papers every day, watch it on news, hear it on radios, etc. But have made any efforts to stop these criminal acts. Maybe yes but have we succeeded in it?

But as it said better late than never even if we have not succeeded in our efforts we should keep fighting against it so that someday we succeed.

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Afifa Qureshi


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