Social Media’s hot favorite – Pinterest!



A recent trip to Lonavala helped me to discover the inner hidden talents within me and all thanks to PINTEREST for that.  I discovered a whole new world of creativity, fashion, food, tech etc etc etc…

You need to check it out for my etc list. And the list is never ending. Pinterest is a world full of creativity with everything and anything. You can check out everything which is in trend and learn from the same. You can also save it which is basically called as”pin it”. You can showcase your own creativity with just a click.

Apart from all this what makes Pinterest to be on your phone app list is that it is a app you can learn from anywhere and everywhere. Be updated all the time in all the areas of your interest. Let it be food or fashion, sports or education, tech or architecture. Everything in just one pin.For all those girls who can’t work out on braids & make up, food and salads. Pinterest is just for you. Have your best friend birthday and want a customized gift. Make one with ease.


– Freny Sachde.



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Tanvi Gupta


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