Socially Relevant Movies



 Candyfloss movies or conventional family dramas? A bikini-clad sleek, soignée creature calling off for all the attention, An actor flaunting his six-packs or the mainstream melodrama. Is this all that Cinema is? Is this the essence of Cinema?

There is cinema beyond all this shit! Beyond all the dramebaazi and all the skin show. A cinema which knows the common man. His domectic trivia. The nagging issues confronting his life. A cinema  which provides us an unblinking look into contemporary social realities and ventilates the grievances of the inarticulate masses. Movies like My Brother Nikhil, Taare Zameen Par, 15th Park Avenue, Gangs Of Wasseypur or even 3 Idiots which is cleverly packaged with the entertainment factor to add on to mark its brilliance. Even the recently released Queen which spoke zillions about women around, how there is a Queen in each of us, speaking to each one intimately and instilling an ooze of confidence. Kudos to such actors too who dare to hit the screen deglamourized and sans makeup. Without caring about their appearance and just to show the true face of reality to the audience. No issue is taboo to showcase. But given this liberty and privileges, film-makers should truly go beyond the trash-talking fashion of some movies and add the “socially-relevant” factor to it.

But do we know what the sad part is? Such movies do get acceptance and even great reviews but their box office numbers are not as great as the feedback they receive. Miserable! They should get the acclaim and feast on success. The brilliant reviews. They should make the money they deserve. They command it! Here are the movies devouring beauty. Seeking newness and talking on the behalf of that commoner who is awaiting a transformation.

  -Misbaah Mansuri

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