Solage Knowles attacking rapper Jay Z video leaked



A New York City hotel were shocked on Monday that a security camera footage of a fight in an elevator, apparently involving the rapper Jay Z and his sister-in-law Solange Knowles, was posted on a celebrity website.

The video was posted online on Monday by the California-based news outlet TMZ, They claimed that the footage was taken from the inside of an elevator in Manhattan’s Standard hotel, showed a fight between the pair as they were leaving from a party there last week.

However TMZ didnot disclose as to where they got the video from which appeared to be recorded on a camera as it was played back on a security monitor.

The video apparently shows Solange Knowles lashing out at Jay Z while his wife, Beyoncé, stands by. There were no reported injuries.

The three-and-a-half minute video begins with a woman, apparently Beyoncé, entering the elevator, followed by her sister, her husband and a large second man, who appears to be a bodyguard.

After the elevator door closes, Solange attacks Jay Z, by TMZ’s account. She points at his face and appears to be speaking harshly to him, although the words couldnt be recorded . Then she begins hitting and kicking him. The rapper defends himself before the large man or the bodygaurd  gets the attacker in a bear hug, from which she momentarily escapes to take another big kick at her brother-in-law.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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