Solar water heater pros. . . .


Over the past 10 years, we have all become so conscious of the environment and alternative ways of living so that we don’t drain the worlds resources too much. With the depletion of coal and gases being used up, we have to find other ways to create energy.

In Australia, what is the one item we have at our disposal pretty much all year round that will create energy all day long? The sun! In this article we are going to discuss how you can leverage solar panels to your benefit and in particular how you can get the most from a  solar hot water system. Through this article and find out how much you could be saving (in both money and the environment) and how much hot water you could be gaining.

The environment is a very big problem that we face and if we don’t change our ways soon then we could run out of natural resources altogether. So what can we do to make sure that this doesn’t happen? By making our own energy of course. And how can you get that energy when you are living in a predominantly sunny country? With the help of solar power. However the process from the thought of installing the solar panels and actually deciding, installing and paying for these panels can be worlds apart and there are a lot of decision to make along the way before you can get all of that free energy. To begin with, there are two different types of solar panels that will help save you money on your energy bills. One type of panel will give you electricity which you can use in your house as an alternative to a generator or the electricity grid that your home is connected up to. The other type of panel will heat your water and will provide you with solar hot water for as long as you need it (or the sun is shining).

Did you know that up to 85% of household energy is used solely on heating water. Whether it’s running a bath, washing your clothes or washing the dishes, they all need a supply of hot water to do this.   Solar hot water systems are attached to your roof and attract the sunlight. When these panels heat up, they warm up the water that is being pushed through the panel and this hot water can then be transferred and stored in a hot water tank. This means that even throughout the night, you have stored hot water which has been warmed naturally and without the need for electricity. The major benefits of these panels is that they save you so much money on your water bills and they produce solar hot water without the need for electricity or any labour on your part.

The average solar hot water system can potentially lasts anywhere from 15 to 20 years, which is up to double the life of an electric system. This combinded with the incentives provided by the government by way of rebates all got towards the savings when decided to make the switch to solar hot water.

All in all solar hot water is a great way to save some money and to do your bit for the environment. Why not check out some of the companies in your area that offer solar hot water installation and see if they can give you a quote? You could be having your new solar hot water system installed quicker than you think.

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Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist


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