Some People Do Care For The Environment – This One Will Make You Agree!


skoda env day

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th and was created to inspire people around the globe to become active about the environment and learn more about ways they can help to ensure the future of our planet is safe. It is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness for the environment. It also serves as the ‘people’s day’ for taking action and doing. To commemorate the World Environment Day, several automotive manufacturers offered free check-ups for pollution control.

In honor of World Environment Day, Skoda and Mahindra had come up with an initiative to help the customers to keep a check on their vehicles’ emissions. Both carmakers carried out free PUC checks, pan-India, all through the day on the June 5.  Skoda’s initiative “free pollution check” incorporated emission checking equipment and devices to clean the engine. Also, the initiative provided technical personnel at Skoda dealerships to all its customers. Mahindra’s free PUC check-up event offered a value to the customers, better service network and also distributed saplings to customers and stakeholders.

Moreover, The Society of Automotive Fitness & Environment (SAFE) took to 4700 dealerships across the nation to celebrate World Environment Day. As part of the celebrations, a number of activities that related to the environment, safety and conservation were organized along with a pledge to spread the awareness. The event included free PUC (pollution checks) across various dealers as a drive to reduce pollution by ensuring that owners maintain their vehicles properly. Further to that, the event also had a drawing competition for kids, and customers at these dealerships received tips on environment conservation. Other initiatives include the distribution of saplings, tree planting and educating customers on how to go green. These campaigns had active public participation and the involvement of several stakeholders like the Transport Department, Environment Department, Traffic Police, Research Institutes, NGOs, Petroleum Conservation Research Association, Municipal Corporation, and Automotive Component Manufacturers Association, apart from vehicle manufacturers.

These events were praised for highlighting one of the most important elements affecting our daily lives and going forward SAFE and SIAM should organize more such events to help further the cause.

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