Sony Launches Three New Cameras In India


sony cams

Japanese consumer electronics giant Sony has introduced three new camera models in India, across various categories – from full frame mirrorless camera to entry level cybershot cameras. The three cameras are – Sony Alpha 7S , Alpha 7711 and Cybershot RX100 III.

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The Aplha 7S is slated for mid July release, the other two have already hit the stores. These high-end cameras offer advanced attributes which justifies their prices which are on a higher end.

Sony Alpha 7S will be priced at Rs. 1, 54,000. It offers 4K video recording capabilities and pairs the advanced attributes of its 12.2 MP 35 sensor with a BIONZ X image processor. It allows full HD recording at a data rate of 50mbps with lower compression for improved image quality.

Alpha 7711comes at a price tag of Rs. 84, 990 in body-only form. This camera boasts of highest phase-detection AF point count of 79 points with 15 cross points. It offers 12 fps bursts and high speed AF tracking. It also has 24.3MP sensor. It comes with dust and water resistant sealing on the body.

The Cybershot RX100 III is available at Rs. 54,990. It has 20.1 MP 1.0-type sensor. The camera is quite compact and has been equipped with ZEISS Vario Sonnar lens. It comes with an upgraded lens and a faster image processor and retractable OLED Tru-finderTM. It also offers a flip LCD.

The cameras will be available at Sony Flagship stores, Sony Centres and other retail outlets across India.


By Anand Thakkar

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